Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Farewell Moonpig

We weren't really a pets family when I was younger.

My mum didn't like dogs (especially) or cats, the two animals that most youngsters want.

We did have goldfish, and you can guess how long they lasted. Ditto the tortoises that my sister and I had. Suffice to say that even a Blue Peter sanctioned hibernation box was not enough to stave off a Scottish winter 

Our youngest loves animals and always wanted some of his own, so a few years ago we got him a couple of guinea pigs. I have to say that those two furry potatoes - Twix and Moonpig - probably got us through the various lockdowns. When there wasn't really much to smile about, their uncomprehending little faces and endless demands for food brought a lot of delight to our family. I guess you had to be there.

We had been told that Moonpig probably had kidney issues and a couple of days ago I found her curled up in a footmuff and unresponsive to offers of her favourite nibbles. I thought she was dead but she was  obviously only stunned 🙂

It wasn't good though as a trip to the vet confirmed. He recommended putting her to sleep which we agreed to.

My son was really upset, but so was I. Partly at his distress, but also at the little animal going. They're so innocent looking. It's heartbreaking.

Anyway, I have dug a plot in the veg patch and we'll commit her there later when son gets home from school.

All very sad but I think she had a good life. I just hope the other one hangs on for a bit