Sunday, October 17, 2010


Advanced Police driving course - failed
We were sitting in the house yesterday when there was an almighty crash on what sounded like Graham Road. Being, like most people, nosey by nature, I halted what I was doing at the time - dressing down J over something or other - and rushed out to see what was going on.

A crowd of other rubber neckers had gathered on the corner of Graham Road and Navarino Road, where a couple of rather embarrassed PCs were surveying the scene. By all accounts they'd tried to undertake a car that was already turning into the side road, completely misjudged and kerrunch!

Although this tableau provided no little amusement, particularly for the guys who frequent the nearby bookies, it was extremely fortunate there was nobody on the pavement at the time as the results would have been terrible. Perhaps the police drivers wouldn't have been so foolhardy if there had been pedestrians, but this was the spot where Arina Romanova was knocked from her bike and killed a couple of months ago. Navarino Road is heavily used by parents and kids going to and from London Fields. On a lovely sunny, Saturday afternoon, it could have been much worse.


Simon Clarke said...

I loved this – it's actually real journalism done on the spur of the moment, combining a bit of luck, and having the tools to hand to do it quickly (wits, camera, blog presence). And also the ability to put the event into a wider local context.

How I wish I could get my journalism students to do this kind of thing...

Hackney_bloke said...

You are too kind journalist professor. I must admit that there have ben plenty of times when I haven't demonstrated the level of inquisitiveness you'd expect of a hack given the newsworthy stuff you stumble across.