I got a call from my tailor the other day. He informed me that the latest addition to my wardrobe was ready for my collection.
Having spent years wrestling with notions of nationality I have decided to get married wearing a kilt. A few years back I would have though the idea preposterous - the whole kilt thing struck me as being a bit twee, but uber nationalistic at the same time. I am proud to be Scottish, but I'm never sure exactly why. There are also aspects of the national character (if you can generalise in such a way) that I'm not over fond of - chippiness, nostalgia, irrational hatred of the English etc.
The latter can be particularly irksome. Having lived under the English jackboot for most of my life, I like to think there's guid and bad in us aw....
I don't know if the kilt thing is any late flowering of national feeling in my breast or if I'm just showing off. Yeah, that's probably it. It's a big day, so why should the lassies be the only ones to put on as nice dress?
It will also be an invaluable addition to my wardrobe which I look forward to wearing around the borough. With the broad range of fashion tastes that I encounter daily, I'm sure it will attract many admiring glances from Hackney residents.
In fact, I think I shall dedicate one day a month as kilt day when I shall take to the streets in full highland regalia. If you see me, stop me and I shall quote you some lines from our national bard, Rabbie Burns.
The question is now, commando or not?