Wednesday, November 06, 2024

Better than me

When I was in my teens, me and a mate, Paul used to go through periods when we would try and get 'superfit'. This typically involved getting up before school and going for runs round the quiet streets of our market town. Maybe we'd throw in some sits ups along the way. Anyway, it usually lasted a few days maybe a week at most - before tailing off, until the next time we started the cycle again.

In the past couple of months my youngest has taken to going running in the evening with one of his schoolmates. They do a couple of miles round a local park but unlike me and Paul, they've been doing it continuously with only the odd night off if one is ill or there's something else in the calendar. 

They just started doing it - I'm not entirely sure why. They've now joined a local running club and have started training a couple of days a week on top of their own runs.

He's already proved himself to be an accomplished young actor with roles in school productions and local drama groups. And he's book smart too.

As is his brother, who in recent years has also flourished as a musician. Performing with the school and county orchestra, and writing his own compositions. He's even being invited to conduct the orchestra at an upcoming school concert. I can't wait to see that.

Obviously I'm very proud of them both. It's amazing to see how they have developed as young men and to ponder how much, or possibly how little, it has to do with me (I won't speak for my wife as she has definitely done more to shape them - positively - than I have).

It never ceases to amaze and delight me how they have emerged. When they were young, it's hard to imagine that you will ever be less than indispensable to them. But as they get older, the times you are called on get fewer and fewer - dad's cab and cash mainly.

I sort of missed the points at which they outstripped me at so many things. You can just about pin the time when they're suddenly taller than you - not much of a challenge that one - but when did they become stronger, faster, actors, musicians, more creative, more empathetic...?

There's not much left for me. I can still cook better - that's a crown neither seems interested in. I think I'm funnier, but that is probably a matter of taste.

And you know what? I don't care. They're great young people that I'm blessed to have in my life - pardon the mushiness. My competitive dad days are over. It's time to bask in their light.

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