Tuesday, November 09, 2004

On the shelf

Mate phoned up straight after he was done with the ex. Apparently she's a bored housewife with no friends in a strange town. Who said vengeance is a dish best eaten cold? Not only that, but she's put on weight as well! Mind you, haven't we all.
He has her number and passed on the information that she's often thought about getting in contact for whatever reason. But amazingly he claims that they didn't talk about me all afternoon (oh come on, now we're entering the realms of science fiction).
I'm torn because there is one side of me that would like to see her and find out how she is. We were together for six years and she was my best friend for a long time. It still feels strange that our split was so final. I still get a Christmas card from her folks every year along with a brief line on how our cat (which she claimed) is getting on - bad news last year as he passed away :(
On the other side there is the petulant, childish me that never got over being dumped. I really didn't see it comeing at the time. In fact I thought we were getting on better than we had been for a long time. Why should I speak to her?
In some ways I'd like to show her how I've changed. Not to try and win her back - that's not an issue - but to let her see how I've moved on. Will she care? I don't know. For me though it's an area of my life that I picked over for years. It has a impact on my current relationship in that it has affected how I look at things. In some ways it made me more conscious of the fact that relationships can't just bump along and that they need to be managed and nurtured. Perhaps I should thank her for that.
Anyway, that's the end of my navel gazing for now. There's no time for building bridges when I should be knocking up some shelves in the bedroom. Storage problems wait for no man.
It will also give me a chance to use the drill my current girlfriend gave me for my birthday, and show her how much I care (without actually having to say it.)

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